17 March 2009

9th International Conference on Information, 12-13 August 2009

OUM will be organising the ICI9 Conference on Learning Innovations in Higher Education at the Legend Hotel, 12-13 August.

For details, visit: http://ici9.oum.edu.my/

16 March 2009

Anugerah Akademik Negara (AAN) 2008

The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)briefed all invitees of all public and private universities at the Bengkel Jerayawara Anugerah Akademik Negaraat PICC in Putrajaya today. MOHE is inviting applications for any or all of the six national academic awards:

As stated at the Web site: "AAN merupakan anugerah tahunan berprestij tinggi yang merangkumi enam kategori utama iaitu:

Anugerah Tokoh Akademik Negara

Anugerah Penerbitan Makalah Jurnal

Anugerah Penerbitan Buku

Anugerah Inovasi dan Pengkomersialan Produk

Anugerah Seni dan Kreativiti

Anugerah Pengajaran"

A quick overview of the AAN 2008 awards can be obtained from:

Details such as the criteria and application forms are available from MOHE's Web site at: http://www.mohe.gov.my/aan2008/index.htm. The deadline is 5pm on 4 May 2009.